Sunday, January 21, 2007

King Politicizes Iraq Quagmire

hat tip to Iraq Insider:
Peter King cosponsors H.R. 511 which pledges "the faithful support of Congress to members of the United States Armed Forces serving in harm's way."

One would think that such an individual would seek to get those troop OUT of harm's way ASAP. Instead, King wants to spin the Democrats as not caring about the troops, merely because Democrats are not willing to see more brave soldiers die in policing a hopeless civil war.

Be sure to read the text of the bill, it's a classic example of the blind flag-waving that has come to characterize GWB's 'leadership'.. basically the bill is a piece of total polemic that mischaracterizes the dems's position of deigning to question the McCain Doctrine of open escalation. The November elections were a clear signal that the American people have had enough of Bush's failed leadership. King still "thanks God George Bush is our President", judging by this highly partisan junk bill.

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