Thursday, January 18, 2007

Peter King: Flip Flopper?

AARP raps Peter King's vote on drug bill

"AARP in New York state says King's vote against the Medicare Prescription Drug Price Negotiation Act -- which would give the Department of Health and Human Services the authority to negotiate cheaper pharmaceuticals -- was cast despite assurances to the contrary."

"Congressman King in our voters guide states he's in favor of lowering drug prices and then he votes against this bill -- we were disappointed to see that," William Ferris, a lobbyist for the AARP in New York state, said Monday.

This certainly seems like a sly move by King. He maintains he is in favor of price negotiation, that this was merely a 'procedural objection' of sorts, yet still pays homage to Big Pharma and her deep pocket$. I for one am glad that AARP is taking the time to expose King's desertion of society's most vulnerable. Methinks he's also trying to stay in good with the R leadership, that is voting against some good ideas when they come from the Democrats. Let's see how far that takes him..

I'm beginning to understand why King called Sen. Lieberman's (CFL-CT) Democratic opposition a bunch of 'left-wing zealots'.

That's because he shares a passion for being a conservative in moderate clothing with Lieberman, slash they're both really good at campaigning on lies..

Bush’s Best Democratic Buddy
Joe Lieberman gives the president a pass on Katrina.

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